
Please read this disclaimer before engaging with the Infusion and the INFUSE token.

By engaging with the Infusion Labs platform and its associated tokens, particularly $INFUSE, you acknowledge and accept the following terms and conditions:

  1. Inherent Risks: Investing in and interacting with cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and other associated technologies involves inherent risks. Such risks include, but are not limited to, significant price volatility, technological challenges, and market manipulations.

  2. No Guarantee of Profits: Infusion Labs does not offer any assurances or guarantees regarding the future value of $INFUSE or any other associated tokens. The price of $INFUSE is subject to market dynamics, and there may be significant fluctuations, including potential drops in value. Infusion Labs and its team expressly disclaim any responsibility for any losses incurred due to such price changes.

  3. Project Outcomes: While Infusion Labs is committed to achieving the milestones outlined in its roadmap and overall vision, there is no guarantee of success. Factors beyond the team's control, including market dynamics, regulatory changes, technological challenges, and competitive pressures, might affect the project's outcomes.

  4. Security Concerns: Infusion Labs endeavors to ensure the security of its platform. However, the realm of cryptocurrencies and blockchain is susceptible to cyberattacks, hacking attempts, and other malicious activities. Infusion Labs and its team are not responsible for any losses incurred due to such security breaches.

  5. Investment Decisions: Your decision to invest in or interact with $INFUSE or any related offerings should be based on your own research, understanding of the associated risks, and consultation with professional advisors. Infusion Labs and its team are not responsible for any decisions you make or their outcomes.

  6. Modification of Roadmap: Infusion Labs reserves the right to modify, postpone, or change any part of its roadmap without prior notice. Such changes might be driven by market conditions, technological evolutions, feedback, or other factors deemed relevant by the team.

  7. Project Changes: The Infusion Labs team reserves the right to make adjustments to certain project details, including but not limited to the treasury repartition and participants' rewards, as per the evolving needs and direction of the project. We encourage all users and token holders to regularly check official project announcements and channels for any updates.

  8. Awareness and Research: The world of crypto is continuously evolving. It is your responsibility to stay informed and conduct due diligence before making any decisions related to Infusion Labs or its offerings. This includes understanding the potential risks and rewards.

Last updated